District Rally

Students between 7th and 12th grade, may compete in one of the nine LHSRA District Rallies. Â鶹AV is hosting the Lafayette District Rally's 46 Literary Rally events as well as three additional open events. 

Â鶹AV 2024 District Rally will take place Saturday, February 24th, 2024

Please download, fill out, and return the appropriate documents below via email to AndreD@louisiana.edu by Friday, January 12th, 2024 at 12:30pm



2024 District Rally Events


Deadline for District Fee payment: January 12, 2024 by 12:30 p.m.

Deadline for Literary & Speech Entries: January 12, 2024 by 12:30 p.m.

Deadline for Drama Rally Entries: January 12, 2024 by 12:30 p.m.

Deadline for Art Entries (electronic form): TBD


For the literary and speech events, schools will be divided into five divisions based upon the size of the school record of registration at the close of the first month of the school year, as given on the official annual report to the State Department of Education. There are no divisions for the Open Events, One-Act Play, or Art Contest, as all students will compete against each other.

Classification of High Schools

Divisions Inclusive Number of Students
I 1,001 and up
II 501 – 1000
III 251 – 500
IV 151 – 250
V 1 – 150
  • Complete all forms (school registration and event entry) and submit via e-mail to AndreD@louisiana.edu by the end of business on January 12, 2024
  • Electronic Forms – January 12, 2024 (Late submissions will be fined $75.00):
    • All electronic forms are due. Any hard copies of school registration and event entries, entry fees, video production DVD, Radio Speaking Verification Form and CD’s or jump drives may be mailed to: 
      • AndrĂ© David
        Rally Coordinator
        Office of Undergraduate Recruitment
        P.O. Box 41210, Lafayette, LA, 70504

Principal Verification – January 12, 2024:

Principal’s verification is their typed name on the school registration form.

Speech Rally CDs, jump drives, etc. – January 12, 2024:

All video production DVD, Radio Speaking Verification Forms and CD’s or jump drives should be postmarked no later than this date. 

Art Pieces – TBD

Fees – January 12, 2023:

Send appropriate payment (amount on the school registration form) to:

André David
Rally Coordinator
Office of Undergraduate Recruitment
P.O. Box 41210
Lafayette, LA, 70504 

  • Send one (1) single check for all events
  • The rate is $10.00 per student per contest (Literary, Speech, & Art Rallies only)
  • $35.00 flat fee per school competing in the One Act Play Competition
  • Make check payable to “Â鶹AV Literary Rally”

Substitutions – January 29th, 2024:

Use the appropriate form to make a substitution.  Undergraduate Recruitment will honor only those substitutions received in writing.  


  1. All literary tests will be limited to one hour.
  2. In all written contests in literary subjects, contestants will be graded not only on subject matter, but also on neatness in form and correctness, and accuracy of expression.
  3. In order to participate in any speech, drama, or art event, a student’s school must be entered in at least one literary event.
  4. A school is limited to one (1) contestant per literary event.
  5. Contestants are not allowed to participate in two literary events.
  6. Contestants should bring two (2) sharpened No. 2 pencils to the contest room.
  7. The test questions for literary contests will be based on the textbooks used in the public schools of the state.
  8. A student may compete in any given event only once, with the exception of open contests.
  9. Block Scheduling:  Any student currently enrolled—or having been enrolled—in a course during the student school year will be eligible to participate in District and State Rally competition (GAP, 1997). Exception: Schools offering subjects on an alternating basis are eligible to enter contestants in those subjects provided they conform to Rule 8.
  10. A school shall not enter a contest in a subject that is not offered by the school. A contestant must be regularly enrolled in order to compete in that subject. Exception: Rule 8.
  11. A student who is a “native” speaker of a foreign language is ineligible to participate in that foreign language event.  One whose main language at home is other than English is considered to be a native speaker of that particular language.
  12. All substitutions MUST be made in writing by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 29, 2024.
  13. State Rally Eligibility:  A list of students who are eligible to attend State Rally will be mailed to each school as soon as feasible after the District Rally. A copy will also be sent to the State Rally Headquarters; therefore, it will not be necessary for individual schools to send anything to State Rally Headquarters.

May I use a calculator?
You may use a calculator on the following LHSRA Literary Events but not on any of the other
tests offered by the LHSRA. You are not required to use a calculator. All problems on the tests can be solved without a calculator.

  • Advanced Math – Pre-Calculus
  • Advanced Math – Functions & Statistics
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Chemistry
  • Financial Literacy
  • Geometry
  • Physics

WARNING: You are responsible for knowing if your calculator is permitted. If you use a
prohibited calculator, or you use a calculator on any test other than the Financial Literacy,
Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics Tests, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. If it is determined later that you used a prohibited calculator or that you used a calculator on a test other than the Financial Literacy, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics Tests, your scores will be cancelled. The TI-89 is the most common calculator taken from students who bring this model to the rally events.
If you wish to use a calculator, you are responsible for bringing it to the test center and for
making sure it works properly. The test center will not provide backup calculators or batteries.
You may not share a calculator with anyone else. You may bring a backup calculator, but you
may not have more than one on your desk or in operation at a time.
You may use your calculator only while you are working on the Mathematics, Chemistry, and
Physics Tests. At all other times, it must be turned off and put away. If you finish the
Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics Tests before time is called, you must turn your calculator off and wait quietly. Calculators with games or other functions may not be used—you may use only the mathematics functions of your calculator.
Permitted Calculators

  • Any four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, unless it has features described in the Prohibited Calculators list below.
  • TI–Nspire (non-CAS) and Sharp EL 9600
  • Calculators with letter keys not in QWERTY format
  • For models on the Calculators Permitted with Modification list, you will be required to
  • modify some of the calculator’s features.


Prohibited Calculators

  • Texas Instruments: all model numbers beginning with TI-89 and TI-92, and TI–Nspire
  • CAS
  • Hewlett-Packard: HP Prime, HP 48GII and all model numbers beginning with HP 40G,
  • HP 49G, or HP 50G
  • Casio: fx-CP400 (ClassPad 400), Algebra fx 2.0, ClassPad 300, ClassPad 330, and all
  • model numbers beginning with CFX- 9970G
  • Calculators with built-in computer algebra systems
  • Pocket Organizers
  • Handheld, Tablet, or Laptop Computers, including PDAs
  • Electronic Writing Pads or Pen-Input devices
  • Calculators built into cell phones or other electronic communication devices
  • Calculators with a typewriter keypad (keys in QWERTY format)

Calculators Permitted with Modification
These types of calculators are permitted, but only after they are modified as noted:

  • Calculators with paper tape - Remove the tape.
  • Calculators that can hold programs or documents – Remove all documents and remove
  • all programs that have computer algebra system functionality
  • Calculators that make noise - Turn off the sound.
  • Calculators that can communicate wirelessly with other calculators - Completely cover the
  • infrared data port with heavy opaque material, such as duct tape or electrician's tape
  • (includes Hewlett-Packard HP 38G series, HP 39G series, and HP 48G).
  • Calculators that have power cords - Remove all power/electrical cords.

NB: LHSRA Calculator Usage Policy is adapted from Preparing for the ACT, 2019.

Rally Contacts

Get in touch with District Rally through their contact:

Harald Leder
Executive Director, LHSRA
Phone: 225.578.0524
Email: hleder@lsu.edu
State Rally Web site: www.lhsra.org/

Or talk to Â鶹AV's District Rally Coordinator:

  • Associate Director of Undergraduate Recruitment

Andre David is the Associate Director of Undergraduate Recruitment in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment.